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The 5 Skincare Mistakes You're Making During Quarantine

Updated: Dec 6, 2021


At first the idea of working from home sounded great. I had visions of sleeping in, taking calls in my pajamas, and finally committing to that 90-day exercise program I bought years ago. Ironically, while the world-at-large felt scary, working from home felt like a welcomed escape from the troubles that came with my 9-5 job and ordinary life.

Welp. I think we can all agree that staying at home comes with its own host of problems. Add stress, a new routine, and six-weeks of quarantine…let’s just say, my skin has looked better.

Whether you’re in the same boat or just looking to learn, here are the five skincare mistakes I made in quarantine—and how to avoid them.


1. Stopping Cold Turkey: Until a few weeks ago, my skincare routine ran like clockwork: cleanse/double cleanse, toner, serum, moisturizer. Every morning. Every night. But in the excitement of a new WFH routine, I decided to do a “skin reset” where I’d stop wearing makeup. And if I wasn’t wearing makeup, did I really need to double cleanse? I think you see where this is going.

Lesson learned: As it turns out, forgoing makeup is great for skin, but it isn’t a cure-all for inherent issues. (Think dry skin or uneven texture.) Plus, stopping a skin-routine is particularly risky if you use products—like retinol or serums—that take time to build tolerance or see results. Instead of abandoning your entire skincare routine, consider your long-term skin goals, and pare down accordingly.


2. Not Experimenting: In my rush to do less, I also missed a golden opportunity to try new things. For example, I’ve been interested in trying a chemical peel for years but never did because I didn’t have the downtime. (Chemical peels have a reputation for leaving skin red, inflamed, and super sensitive; it’s best to do it when you have multiple days to recover). In hindsight, I regret not taking the time to finally go for it.

Lesson learned: Whether you’re curious about a new product, process, or technique, now is the time to try it. Plus, if it turns out horribly, you won’t have to see anyone for the near future.


3. Completely Changing Your Diet: My balanced diet, like my skincare, went out the window pretty quickly into quarantine. Suddenly my body was flooded with foods I don’t usually eat; overly processed grains, refined sugar, and tons of dairy for example. Turns out that while I love a good frozen pizza, my face—not so much.

Lesson learned: Whether you’re finding comfort in favorite foods or just enjoying a newfound bread hobby, give yourself the grace to enjoy the moment. But keep in mind that any significant changes to your diet will reflect on your skin. Loving salt? Drink extra water. Into dairy? Mask early and often. You get the idea.


4. Forgetting to Moisturize: Whether the AC or the heat is on, my skin gets duller and drier every hour I sit inside. Since I’m wearing sweatpants more days than I’d care to admit (anyone else?), I didn’t notice the effect WFH was having on my skin until far too late. From my face to my toes, I was drier than a bone. Talk about a bad look.

Lessons learned: Fixing this issue takes a multi-step approach; you can drink more water, invest in a good humidifier, or, of course, moisturize. But the real secret? A decadent serum. You’ll want to look for a product with hyaluronic acid, a miracle ingredient known for its moisturizing and skin-plumping characteristics. (Bonus tip: I love this affordable 24k serum which doubles as a primer under makeup.)


5. Not Wearing Sunscreen: I know what you’re thinking, “Do I really need to wear sunscreen indoors?” The answer is yes, especially if you like to WFH near the window. Did you know that most glass windows don’t block UVA light, the rays responsible for premature aging and skin cancer? I didn’t either until a few weeks ago. Even worse: early research suggests even blue light, the light emitted from laptops and phones, can also cause photo-aging damage.

Lesson learned: If you’re planning to sit by a window or even stare at a screen for prolonged periods of time, apply at least a base layer of your favorite sunscreen. It’ll protect your skin in the long run—whenever this is over.

Written By: Veronica Bryant


What’s your quarantine skin routine look like? Let me know in the comment section!

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